
The 2nd World Congress on Logic and Religion was held at the University of Warsaw (Poland) on June 18-22, 2017, the institutional organiser being the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw (Instytut Filozofii, Uniwersytet Warszawski).

It was an international scientific event gathering philosophers, mathematicians, orientalists, specialists in religious studies and theologians eager to analyse different aspects of relations between logic and religion.

The event was a continuation of the 1st World Congress on Logic and Religion, organised jointly by the Federal University of Campina Grande, the Federal University of Paraiba and the University of Brazil in João Pessoa, and held on April 1–5, 2015. That event was prepared and conducted by Jean-Yves Beziau and Ricardo Sousa Silvestre and devoted to a wide range of problems concerning the relations between logic and religion. At the conclusion of the congress, many participants expressed the wish to continue discussions on these topics in the future and also warmly welcomed the idea to organise such an event in Poland, which can be called a country of logic and religion thanks to both the tradition of Lvov-Warsaw School of logic and a considerable level of religiosity.

The authorities of the Institute of Philosophy and of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Warsaw accepted this idea, made a decision to organise the second congress and set up the chairs of the academic and organising committees. In the preparations of this event the organisers of the first congress and many other significant scientists took part.

The organisers of the second congress proposed a number of important topics to be discussed, which included such fields as:

The congress announcement prompted a positive response from a large number of scholars. As a result, the organisers received more than 180 paper submissions. Furthermore, many significant scientists agreed to give plenary speeches during the congress, namely:

Such a great interest within the academic community has resulted in a rich and thought-provoking programme extending over five days. The event concluded with a debate, led by plenary speakers, that addressed most important issues identified during the congress.

According to our lists over 251 participants from at least 103 scientific units took part in this event and at least 106 scholars gave speeches during the congress.

The 2nd World Congress on Logic and Religion was financed by the Institute of Philosophy (Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Warsaw) and financially supported by the UW Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations Professor Maciej Duszczyk, the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Foundation for Polish Science and the University of Warsaw Foundation.

Konferencja międzynarodowa 2nd World Congress on Logic and Religion – zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy 874/P-DUN/2017 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

Kongres ten został też dofinansowany przez Fundację na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, Fundację Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego oraz prorektora UW ds. naukowych dr. hab. Macieja Duszczyka.